Liza Van der Linde

So I Learn (A)


The series So I do Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

This book teaches the child sums with numbers 1-10 in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles!


    Liza Van der Linde

    So I Learn (B)


    The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

    This book (B) teaches the child sums (subtraction) with numbers 1-10 in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles!

      Liza Van der Linde

      The Journey with Numbers -Teacher's Guide 3 (Arabic)


      With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

        Liza Van der Linde

        The Journey with Numbers - Activity Book 3 (English)


        The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve proble Teacher.

          Liza Van der Linde

          So I Learn (C)


          The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

          This book teaches the child numbers till 100 and simple sums in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles and get an understanding of the decimal system.

            Liza Van der Linde

            So I learn - Teacher's Guide


            The program So I learn is successfully accepted in many Centers for Special Needs children.

            Since this program is set up especially for children who are struggling with numbers, this guide is an eyeopener for the teacher to change the way of explaining and guiding the child in order to help him to being able to know numbers, to count, to add and subtract numbers.

              Liza Van der Linde

              The Journey with Numbers Teacher's guide 3 (English)


              With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

                Committee of the child at Dar ElKalema

                Ziko Tessalina (2)


                This is the second book in the series of Ziko Tessalina. Puzzles, playing with words, coloring pictures, looking for the differences between pictures and much more is available in this booklet ( in Arabic).

                Suitable for children of 8 years and older.

                  Committee of the child at Dar ElKalema

                  Ziko and Numbers 4


                  A book for young children to color pictures according to the requested numbers. Each number has its own color, in the end the picture will be nice and beautiful.

                  While coloring, the child practice recognizing the numbers and develops his writing skills!

                    Liza Van der Linde

                    Ziko and Idea's (1) - English


                    This book is designed for children between 5 - 7 years. The aim of the book is to stimulate the child in his development, to encourage him in his skills and abilities and to enable him to use the expressions he learned at home or in other environments.

                    • On sale!