Liza Van der Linde

So I Learn (C)


The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

This book teaches the child numbers till 100 and simple sums in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles and get an understanding of the decimal system.

    Marica Foulmer

    And I am also valuable !


    This book presents a unique program for parents and child carers, who are dealing with a child who is delayed in his development. The only program in Arabic, which  offers exercises to be done in a simple way for special needs children, who are older than 5 years and under developed.

      Liza Van der Linde

      So I Learn (B)


      The series So I Learn is a program in Arabic for children who are weak in working with numbers or who are having problems with math and are in need of good support. The quality of support is the basic tool to help these children to learn numbers and doing math. 

      This book (B) teaches the child sums (subtraction) with numbers 1-10 in a very special way, suitable to overcome their struggles!

        Liza Van der Linde

        The Journey with Numbers - Activity Book 3 (English)


        The program includes more than 100 activites, chosen to teach the basics of math. The child develops and leams through playing. We hope that you will be encouraged by this new way of teaching children. While working with this program you will see your children grow and develop in the following areas: - the way they walk - the way they talk - the way they think - the way they relate to each other - the way they solve proble Teacher.

          Liza Van der Linde

          The Journey with Numbers - Activity Book 1 (Arabic)


          If you have hopes and drea Teacher for the future of your community and society, then you need to think seriously about the way children are raised and educated. Our desire is that all children will learn to think, analyze proble Teacher, be independent, and take responsiblity in this world. If you share these drea Teacher with us, then this program is for you.

            Liza Van der Linde

            The Journey with Numbers Teacher's guide 3 (English)


            With the dramatic changes that are taking place in our part of the world, it is vital that we start thinking about the education of our children, as they are the ones who hold the key to the future. Of paramount importance is our educational system, for this shapes the mind and character of the next generation in our society.

              Maria Montessori

              The Secret of Childhood


              The Secret of Childhood

              In this book Maria Montessori explains the method which she has developed by observing children. It is here that she discovered the secret of childhood. The child has a spontaneous urge to learn. An understanding of this simple secret....

                Maria Montessori

                The Child in the Family


                Maria Montessori discusses some of her basic principles of education and shows why it is so important for adults to ‘follow attentively all the spiritual expressions of a child'. She stresses the importance of adult respect and support for ‘all reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages' and emphasizes the value of understanding rather than interfering with such activity. Adults should help children to become independent while at the same time fully appreciating how sensitive children are to external influences. 

                  Maria Montessori

                  Education for a New World


                  The psychic life in newborns has aroused great interest. Th conclusion of research is that the first two years of life are the most important. So here begins a new path, wherein it will not be the professor who teaches the child, but the child who teaches the professor.
